Promocyja Font

Promocyja Font

This version is Free for commercial use

Promocyja Font

Promocyja Font

Pro­mo­cyja Font is an elegant and fancy script by GLUK fonts. It has many alter­na­te Glyphs, which turn on depends on neigh­bor­ing Glyphs (Con­tex­tual Alter­nates), Styl­is­tic Sets and Lig­a­tures. Because of the Soft­ware like TheGimp or Inkscape work (at this Moment) only with Stan­dard Lig­a­tures, font Pro­mo­cyja have access to Alter­nates through Lig­a­tures (Glyph Sequence). Full Set of Alter­nates and Glyph Sequence You find in the enclosed PDF.